“Thank You” is an Excellent Exit Line. Or Opener. Oh, Both, of Course!

So I shall begin with a resounding Thank You. To another three gracious and inspiring bloggers who have nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank You, amazing Eve and marvelous ‘Nessa and sweet Peaches! Eve’s poetry and prose move me so deeply I sometimes think she reads my mind–but with better compositional and editing skills than I have. ‘Nessa inspires me with her old-soul attitudes and resilience in the face of committed creative work in such a public forum as a blog at what seems to this aging lady like a tender age indeed, putting out fine and fiery writing as well. Peach Farm Studio is a lovely land whose mistress creates fabulous letterpress art and, as inspiration and adjunct to that, plays with beautiful and wonderful text, music, imagery and any other ingredients that can be combined to make the Studio’s output a joy.VBAAnother heartfelt Thank You to the incredible Cecilia. She who presented me with my first VBA has now passed the Reader Appreciation Award my way as well. There is probably no irony at all in the fact that one of the rubrics for proper reception of this award is that one should pass it along to one’s own six most faithful commenting bloggers, but not to anyone who’s already received the award–and you guessed it, she’s been easily among the six most frequent and thoughtful and uplifting commenters here from Day One. One of my first frequent-flyers, period. And a constant source of gracious good-humored help and outsized compassion and good sense to push me ever upward and onward.Reader Appreciation AwardNow, in case I needed an extra boost, ‘Nessa popped back over to my place to tell me she’d also nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award, and that deserves yet another moment of humbling contemplation of my embarrassment of riches and the great aid lent me by all of you, to which I add Thank You again, no less joyfully and with equal amazement at my good fortune.Kreativ Blogger AwardAll of these are among my cloud of muses and angels, my support and drive and comfort in the form of family, friends, and teachers–all of whom are represented among you, my gracious and ever-encouraging, in the deepest sense of that word, readers. So I Thank You all particularly and sincerely for all of the strength, wisdom and joy you have shared with me since I began this blogging adventure. It seems far more than mere months ago that I began to meet you all–you have become so much a part of my world that I move through my days buoyed by the mere knowledge that you are ‘out there’ thinking up innumerable ways to brighten and improve my life, even when you don’t quite know it. That, you might well note, is what family and friends and mentors do, and oh, you do it very well indeed.


Thank You for providing a Safe Harbor where I can be myself both at work and at play . . .

At the end of the year I can look back and be thankful for so many fine things, and one of them is clearly the great experience that my dive into the untested waters of the blogiverse has turned out to be. Thank you for making it not only painless but a great pleasure, a steeply upward learning curve, and generally smooth sailing to new and delightful places. I cannot begin to tell you how much I look forward to seeing those places with all of you.

For the moment, I shall wrap up here by recognizing those others who have so sustained me with their commentary. There’s the wonderful ChgoJohn, who also has already received this award himself because he’s always out offering wit and succor and freshly-sauced pasta to everybody around these parts; the sweet cfbookchick, so tender-hearted, poetic, quick with praise and generous with clever commentary as well as being a fellow ooh-sparkly-objects human magpie; the gentle, celestially-inclined Barb of Just a Smidgen, who consistently provides far more than a smidgen of encouragement and sunbeams and shared love of music hereabouts; the warm and open-handed Marie in her Little Corner of Rhode Island, who nurtures all while slyly tickling our ribs and funny-bones, stealthily adding bits of great practical advice all the while; and the self-effacing fairy godmother of Ireland, Our Lady of Just Add Attitude, who eschews awards (luckily for me this one officially doesn’t require her responding to it at all unless she so chooses) despite producing award-worthy posts of her travels and thoughtful ruminations on all sorts of good food and pretty things and then turns around complimenting everyone else as though she’s never heard of such talent. All of you, whether you know it or not, have been an amazing and unexpected joy in your sharing yourselves with me here.

It could but most certainly should not go without saying that these are all joined in my field of heroes by such fine characters as Ted and Nia, the two bardic Dennises, Raymund and Caroline, Desi and Lindy Lee, Anyes and Bella, Neil and Geni and oh so many other worthy and outstanding blogger colleagues and friends. And of course there is that particular fella who patiently shares me with my magical laptop kingdom and who works to keep the roof over our heads as well as still making me glad every time he spontaneously yells out “I LIKE YOU!” and gives me a big goofy wink.

Farewell, good 2011. Come on in, great and glorious 2012! And to all of you out there reading this, may you have a year full of peace, love, joy and ridiculously fun creative living.

digital collage

Thank You for helping me discover yet another Happy Place . . .

35 thoughts on ““Thank You” is an Excellent Exit Line. Or Opener. Oh, Both, of Course!

    • Thank you kindly, Tanya. The first photo is from Stockholm, but the second is composited from not only different properties on different dates but even different countries, if I remember them all properly. A very beautiful 2012 to you and the Big Man and all of your loved ones!

    • Me too, me too! It’s been a very long time since I’ve had such a distinct sense of good-things-ahead as I’ve had lately, and I really do think it’s largely because of the incredibly uplifting influences of certain truly dear and inspiring new bloggy friends I’ve acquired since venturing into the realm this summer. *Thank you!*

  1. Again, you have humbled me with your sweet words, you ray of sunshine you! After reading this send off to the old year, I don’t think I could possibly write my own, so when I post later on, it will likely be short and sweet!
    I can’t wait for the coming year with family and friends, and to see what YOU are going to share and gift us with each day! Happy New Year, dear friend. β™₯

    • Right back atcha. This whole blogging adventure has brought me unimagined wealth, not least of all finding a soul sister or two among them, and–*bonus!*–a shiny-object-loving-bookworm one at that!!! A glorious 2012 to you, my love.

  2. Dear Kathryn, It seems that, even though we have only ‘met’ through blog comments and never in real life, you know me well. Yes I do eschew awards but I am still flattered to be nominated for one. I wish you and yours a happy and joy-filled 2011.

    • My dear friend, I am so grateful to have had our paths happily converge this year. What a gift it has been, and how greatly I look forward to seeing where we can wander on this journey, on our own blogs and in the joint escapades afforded in our comments and conversations. What a joy! Wishing you and all whom you love, too, a grand and magical 2012.

  3. A heart-felt congratulations to you for all of these well-deserved awards, Kathryn! These will be followed by many, to be sure, and you were very kind to mention me, especially within that company! I truly do enjoy coming here very day for a visit, often returning a few times before actually commenting. Your work tends to stick with me — and that’s a good thing.

    Wishing you and yours the Best of New Years.

    • I can’t believe how my world has expanded in the last six months as I’ve collected such marvelous companions as you and our other mischievous and multi-talented cohorts. It’s such a delight to have gotten to know you and enjoy “meeting” your family and the wonderful and loving and tasty history you share. Frankly, having gained such great friendships and creative inspirations, I need no prizes beyond them–but don’t tell anyone or they’ll make me turn in my tiara! A supremely happy 2012 to you and your grand family!

  4. Thank you so much darling girl for your kind words (blushing).. and what a wonderful last post for 2011, I am with Miss T.. clapping! And as i have said before I often wait until it is wine or cup of tea time to sit down and enjoy your posts, I like to peruse your words.. love love celi

    • You, my first great blogging mentor and perpetual ray of sunlight that you are, have turned my expectations for 2012 into such flurried, oversized, chortling and skipping giddiness that even *I* can’t wait to see what I do in 2012! πŸ˜‰ More than that, I am suffused with the warmth of all that is great and good right in this moment, and I thank you for your important part in it, beloved Celi!

  5. I love that last photo!! Sublime! Thanks so much for your comments.. you really are so lovely! Have a wonderful New Year’s celebration.. and wishing you all of the very best for 2012!! xo Smidge

    • Dearest Smidge, your comments and gentle uplift and sense of humor here help to make it all worthwhile–and the great beauty with which you infuse your own blog makes it a place of constant refuge and pleasure when I have my regular stops to see what’s new around there as well. May your year be more wonderful and fulfilling than even a woman of your immense imagination can guess it will be! Love and peace in 2012! Kathryn

      • My imagination is only so large as it has been expanded by knowing you:) Wishing you a creative and fun-filled 2012… somewhat selfishly so that I have an awesome 2012 devouring your words and savoring your art… It was an honor to be in the company of those above who also were recognized. This is such a lovely place to “hang out”… Heaven, really…

  6. Congratulations! All well deserved awards to you, kathryningrid, a most gifted, talented writer and artist. Thank you for making little ole me part of your WordPress cadre…

    • Little Ole You are a vital part of my sense of happy purpose here since you’ve appeared on the scene, my friend! I thank you for all of the thoughtful and gracious commentary and companionship you’ve brought here, and for the lovely and potent poetry you share ‘back home’ at your blog as well. May you have a grand and glorious year!

  7. ((hugs)) Happy New Year, Kathryn! And thank YOU!!! I am so grateful that we’ve stumbled across each other in this great weird web. Thanks so much for sharing these glorious bits of thought and beauty with all of us. =D

    • I feel incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with you, Desi. You’ve given me so much here and ‘at your place’ that I can’t even imagine how I got along before I knew you! πŸ™‚

  8. Well deserved awards, Kathryn. And thanks for the ‘nod’, it is very much appreciated. You have brightened many days with your kindness, insughts and humor. I am looking forward to what you will share in the coming year! πŸ™‚

  9. Dear Kathryn, congratulations, you deserve all these awards. You are one of my beautiful blogger friends and I love your blog. As dear Ted expressed, you have brightened many days with your creative art, and your kindness, and also it was so inspirational too. You are so nice as always, Thank you so much. Angels, muses, be with you. Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia

    • My dear Nia, I thank you for all that you’ve done to make me feel “at home” in the blog world, which is so much larger and richer than I expected. I look forward to continuing our fine times together in the year ahead!
      Love to you from

  10. Sorry I just saw this!! Congrats on the awards–very well deserved. And thank you so much for the shout out! You’re far too kind. I can’t stop staring at that last photo. Gorgeous! Wishing you to best for 2012. xx

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